Friday, May 8, 2009

Bucket List

In the next few months, I will probably be writing about life and death. Watching someone die is an experience.

It makes you think about your own life, what you could do different, and what you’ve accomplished.

People need to start living their life more fully. They go about their daily lives not looking for the enjoyable – work all week and into the weekend.

We need to set time aside to do something different. Share it with family and friends, build memories.

It doesn’t have to be anything big or expensive. I treasure the times I have brought my kids to the art museums, bought our membership to the science museum so we can go anytime we want, tour the state capital, walk around a different lake enjoying the beauty around us.

Get the most from each hour, each day, and each age of your life. Then you can look forward with confidence, and back without regrets.


  1. I SO agree with this. It's only been in the last 10 years or so that I have started living life to the fullest, although not every single day. I no longer have the word "someday" in my vocabulary, because I'm not getting younger, and don't want to grow old with regrets of "could have, should have, would have". Death makes us more aware of this. Hope the ex isn't in pain. Hugs.

  2. well put, S....I look forward to these posts

  3. Roz is going through a similar issue along with you. I live mine as full as possible. I regret not going to Med School and that is all I regret.

    It is a biggie I can't fix at 45 however.


  4. I totally agree!All any of us really have is this one eternal moment!May as well make the most out of it. Hope you have a wonderful Mothers Day

  5. Excellent words!
