Monday, February 23, 2009

Fingers Crossed

Effective December 31st, my position was eliminated and I am still unemployed.

Please keep fingers, toes, and anything else crossed that will bring me luck. I jumped on a job that was only posted for 4 days. I was able to contact the hiring recruiter - during our conversation, she pulled my resume and it is now on the hiring managers desk.

The job is perfect. Perfect location, good company to work for, and great benefits.

I really want this job, need this job, and need to get back to work as I'm not happy being home all day long.........

A person can only clean so much : )


  1. Hope all goes well with you in the job search.

  2. Sending the good vibes your way my friend. I did this a year ago and it sucked balls! Crossing everything for you....
